I wasn't sure, for a while, if my DH was really into the whole spanking thing or if he was doing it only to please me. Other than the fact that he now tells me frequently, while spanking me, that he 'really, really' likes doing it, my concerns were laid to rest when he told me that he'd had some ideas about new implements. I was excited – until he said "frying pan." I know about 'pervertables,' but I tend to think of things like hairbrushes, belts, wooden spoons, etc. not large metal objects used for cooking food in. Apparently he was walking through a large store and on his way through the kitchen area he noticed some frying pans. Instead of cooking, what came to his mind was "Wow, one of those would work well for spanking Robin's butt. I could cover an entire side in one blow." Fortunately, for me, he decided not to buy any. I know I laughed, a little, when he told me this, but honestly, a frying pan? I know my butt is big, but really is a frying pan the right tool? I've decided I'm perfectly happy with the implements we now have. It makes me happy to know that my DH has embraced spanking me as a part of our life, but I am even happier, right now, that he did not buy a frying pan to spank me with.
7 hours ago
Hi Robin!
I just discovered your blog and it looks as though you're off to a fine start. I wish you the very best, both with your spanking relationship and with your new blog. If I may be of assistance, you need only ask.
As for the frying pan... Yes, Randy has indeed spanked me with a frying pan. It's not a particularly good pervertable, though it does work. My complaint is that metal is too rigid and unforgiving. There's no sting, just thud. :(
Have a wonderful weekend!
Thank you for your kind comments. Your blog has been a source of inspiration for me, with blogging and spanking.
Ironically enough, while we were out last night DH again brought up the frying pan (he has no idea I've blogged about it, and certainly not that I just did so yesterday). I'm guessing that at some point it will be added to the list of items I've been spanked with :p
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