Hey you!
Yeah, you. You know who you are. You're the one who comes here, reads this blog and never leaves a comment or emails me. What's with that? Are you trying to give me a complex?
Just kidding.

Having been a lurker, before I started blogging myself, I know how easy it is to read a blog, really like it and/or connect with something posted, but think "that's an old post," "others have commented already," "the blogger doesn't have any interest in what I have to say," etc.
Well, you're wrong, so wrong.
I know you come to my blog, and some of you come back again and again. But knowing you visit is not enough (what can I say, I'm needy). You don't need to leave big long dissertations (but they're okay if that's what you're into), a simple 'Hi, I like your blog' is more than enough to brighten my day. And you know what, I'll respond to your comment or email, no matter how long or how short -- I know how important feedback is. And it doesn't matter whether you want to comment on today's post or one from a month ago, I will still read your message and respond to it. You don't need to tell me your name or anything personal about yourself. What you say is up to you (just please don't be rude or cruel).

So, please, starting today, if you want to comment, ask questions, just say 'hi', whatever, please, please, please do it. And don't stop -- keep doing it, every time you want to.

As a returning lurker, I just wanted to say hi and let you know that you have a great site!
Keep up the good work!
S. in Dallas
Speaking from experience, I know exactly how you feel when the ratio of comments bears no relation to the number of readers you have.
Personally I never lurk, I believe if you have read someone's post then it is courtesy to comment. I'm not shy any more. ;)
Hi, i am sly. enjoy your blog!
Hi Robin!
I'm glad you were able to join in our LOL Friday celebration.
Thank you!
Hi - this is my first time here, but I'll definitely be back!
S. -- Thank you for visiting and commenting. I really do appreciate it.
Suze -- I like your policy. I'm getting better at not lurking so much myself.
sideriteguy -- Thanks for commenting and visiting. I hope you visit again.
Bonnie -- Better late than never, right? Thank you for the creating LOL, inviting me to participate, and updating your post to add me to your list. Your superific :)
Tracy -- Thank you for visiting and commenting. I'll have to return the favor.
Only kidding :P
Like Suze says we get a ridiculous number of lurkers in proportion to those who actualy comment. It's nice to know they're reading at least. :)
Alex -- Oh, you are so funny :p
It is nice to know people visit, but it's good for the bloggers soul to get comments.
It was very nice reading your blog. With that said, 4 times a week?! Man, I'm a lazy slouch. Hope to read you again soon. Thanks, Buhba
I'm just quoting Dr. Oz. Personally, if DH were up to it (and we had the time and schedule) I'd hope for at least once a day :D
Hope you do come back and visit again.
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