Have you ever seen the email "Porn for Women"? The one where the men are taking care of all the household chores -- they're doing it without badgering and nagging?
Thursday I went to the gym after work. When I walked through the door, know what I saw?
My hubby, still dressed for work (slacks, dress shirt, tie), with an apron on, mop in his hands and food cooking on the stove.
Wow *pounding pulse, rapid breathing*
How can that not be sexy?
9 hours ago
Dearest Robin,
Thank you for your kind words. I am as of yet, still surviving. I wish you all the best this holiday season.
Oh, LS, I'm stunned that you'd leave me a comment -- I truly wasn't expecting a response. Just wanting to let you know I was still thinking of you. I hope you are able to find some happiness and peace with your family this holiday season.
Dear Robin,
Part of my therapists quest to destroy me I believe. I've been assigned to "slowly readdress myself to my 'community' to alleviate some of the emotional stress caused by losing such a 'close' partner". She wouldn't know something other than vanilla if it bit her on the ass. Either way, thank you for the kind words.
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