Just a quick note ---
Hoping everyone had a wonderful holiday, whether it was Eid, Christmas or Kwanzaa. We had a nice quiet Christmas, just the 5 of us. And I got lots of spankings (and hot sex *great big happy satisfied grin* )-- Saturday the 15th, Saturday/Sunday the 22/23, Monday the 24th, and Tuesday the 25th. And I didn't have to ask for a single one; all were DH's idea (he's coming along nicely :D ). I'll get some details posted later, I promise (I jot notes down in MS Office One Note so I have good reminders of the details).
Now, a serious subject -- Benazir Bhutto and Pakistan.
I know I try to keep some of the details of us private, but this hits close to home for us because DH is originally from Pakistan. His parents, one sister, and both brothers all live there (one sister is here in the States). When he got up and saw the news this morning the first thing he did was call home. All but one brother live in Karachi, and the brother who lives in Lahore was in Karachi (he and his family had come to celebrate Eid with the family). Neither brother was home when the assasination and ensuing chaos happened. Brother1 was able to make his way through the insanity without harm to their parents home; brother2 was at his office, attempted to get home, but gave up and decided to stay at the office til things calmed down. It's a serious situation; everyone is shocked and no one seems to have any good ideas of what should happen next. It's just so hard to understand the willingness to kill someone just because you don't agree with their opinions, etc. Just horrible, no matter who is killed or who does the killing.
Please keep Pakistan in your thoughts and prayers -- if it falls to the fundamentalists, we're all in serious trouble.
If I don't make it here before the 1st -- I wish you all a New Year that is Happy, Prosperous, and Very Very Spanky!

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