Anyone out there watch CSI? Did you catch the last episode -- Cockroaches? Warrick hooks up with an exotic dancer and they head to a hotel. He's been drinking and popping pills and is obviously out of it, but in the middle of his ramblings he clearly says, "You're a bad girl. You need a spanking. You need to be dealt with." Just one more example of spanking and D/s references going mainstream.

78 different countries (60% United States; 14% United Kingdom; 6% Canada; 4% Germany) -- 13 0f these I've at least passed through
49 of 50 United States (What, no one from New Mexico visits my blog? Why not? Or is StatCounter missing something?)

309 different "keywords" have directed people to my blog. Some of these indicate that people were searching specifically for my blog, others I'm not so sure I'm what they were looking for. Keywords range from one word (belt, bratting, kids, pervertables, robins, sex, spank, spankability, spankable, spanking) to detailed phrases (a well spanked bottom, asking for a spanking, butt bent over for the hairbrush, fuck my big red spanked bottom, give as many spanks on my butt as you want please, spanked to submission and red bottom).
Now, I'm not sure if whoever entered 'belt' was looking for adult spankings and sex, but I can be fairly sure that the following were not:
- kids
- robin red breast template
bathbrush sweden - masturbate man
Let me take this chance to apologize to those who accidentally ended up here. There's a reason for the advisory at the top (just in case the title and picture don't clue a person in).
Keywords that seem to be directly related to my blog:
- funny silly
- funny spanking
- lovebites spank
- red bottom blog
robin red bottom - robin spanked
- silly spanking
- spanking red bottom blog
- what did dh get me
- why teasing is not good
Some I wish applied to me:
- he spanks me regularly [not yet, but we seem to be getting there]
- husband spank me with a belt [not nearly enough]
- leather my backside [please...]
- my husband knew I needed a spanking [getting there...]
- red sore bottom from her spanking [not nearly often enough]
- small bottom spanked [I wish it were small, sigh]
- spank my little bottom [sigh]
- spanked everyday for a week [not sure I could handle it, but would like to try]
- spanked long and hard [not long enough or hard enough yet]
- spanking to destress [like to try this]
- spanking your little wife's red bottom [not a little wife, sigh]
And some I just don't get:
- dent a hubby
- get a spanking watch
- pan's people most spankable bottoms
- spanking my husband breasts
- tracy spanking

Stories about:
- DH's shoe
- Tuesday Night Surprise
- Birthday Spankings (I got 2 -- one for my birthday and one for his -- lucky me)
- Bamboo cutting board, spanking daddy, bathbrush and more
Just as soon as I find the time to finish them. Soon, I promise.
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