Saturday, July 12, 2008


Somewhat logically following on my post about desperately needing a spanking...

Last night I dreamt of being spanked by DH. It was not a clear dream, but I "remember" getting into position (all 4s) on the bed and hearing him slide his belt out his pants and wondering if that was really what he was going to use...

And then I woke up. It stormed at 5am here and the noise of it pushed me out of sleep. Darn it.

Not the first time I've had a spanking dream, just the second -- that I remember.

First time was about a month ago, the last time DH was on a business trip. That dream falls into the category of lucid dreaming. It was crystal clear, everything exactly as in real life. I was in my robe, so desperate for a spanking that I was going to self-spank. I was digging through DH's bedside table, looking for an implement, when MC came into my room. I hurriedly shut the drawer and hid the bath brush behind my back (ironic that I would choose the bath brush in my dream when I really dislike it -- but it does have a long handle, ideal for self-spanking). While backing into the bath room, I tried to get MC to leave so I could get to it... And it stops there.
I think it's like when you're really craving a certain food and there's none around... it becomes the one thing you absolutely can't stop thinking about, and the needing and the wanting becomes all consuming...
Well, I've got to get going and pick up DH from the airport. Will we have any fun tonight? No idea...


Radha said...

A dream about spanking sounds delicious! I've never had such a dream. Lucky you!
Hope you had a great night now that your hubby is back!

Robin said...

Hi Radha,
Well, they're rare. And really, they just leave me even more frustrated...
Took a few days till we had the great night (which I just posted about).