Don't know what the deal is this last month, but tensions are high -- meaning that while I do have spanking related posts I could write, I just can't do it. I'm concerned that if I really sit down and start typing away, I will end up venting and this will turn into one big bitchfest -- not at all what this blog is supposed to be about. And while I do have the other blog where I could bitch away, I really don't want to dwell on how miserably hellish things have been all month.
So, in an effort not to ramble on into nasty venting, I'm keeping this short and sweet, and hoping that everyone else out there is enjoying spankings and sex and loving, supportive companionship. And for those with blogs, keep on posting so I can live vicariously through you :D
Friday, November 30, 2007
Out of Sorts
Labels: bitch, hellish month, tensions, venting
Posted by
11:54 PM
Monday, November 19, 2007
Sleepy & Horny - Oh The Dilemma
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Labels: no spankings, orgasms, sex
Posted by
9:37 PM
Sunday, November 18, 2007
Where's My Spanking?
So here I am snuggled up in bed with my laptop. Yes, DH is home. No, we are not having any fun tonight.
Earlier this evening there had been a definite mention of a good girl spanking. After feeling like crap yesterday, I got up this morning and did all laundry including bath rugs and our comforter; made the bed; dusted the bedroom furniture; cleaned up in the bathroom (DH's side was a mess); cleared away some piles; cleaned up my closet; vacuumed our bedroom, bathroom, bedroom office, upstairs landing, and YC's bedroom. While I worked inside, DH was hard at work outside planting bulbs and raking. Mixed in with all our hard work was constant pushing at the kids to get their assigned chores done. All in all, a tiring day.
While working on dinner, I mentioned to hubby how much work I'd done and the spanking conversation started.
"I'll have to check, and if it's not clean like I like it, you'll get a spanking." Said with a big grin on his face.
"And if it is good, I'll get a good girl spanking." Said with much hope and excitement.
"A good girl spanking? Yeah... and some good sex."
So I'm cleaning up after dinner, doing the last bit of laundry, making sure everything's done, and DH comes upstairs, reclines on the bed to watch TV, and falls asleep. AAAAGGGGGHHHHH.
(I shouldn't complain too much as last night we did have sex -- I was fingered to orgasm, then told to get in position where I received a small spanking before he entered me; it didn't take long for my first orgasm, then another, then he pulled out and entered me anally, where I orgasmed again. And all while I still wasn't feeling 100% well.)
Now I'm going to have to try and collect on the promise, and this is not the first time a spanking has been promised and never received. I just don't seem to be able to get him to understand what it means to me to have him spank me. (Wish I could get him to read some of the other blogs out there...) Just have to keep reminding myself "four day weekend, four day weekend" and hope I get what I need.
Labels: frustration, no spankings, spanking
Posted by
10:50 PM
Saturday, November 17, 2007
DH is Home
He did share a little gem with me:
While in France, in the hotel, he turned on the TV, and what did he see?
He has no idea of the movie (he doesn't speak, read, or understand French), but he watched the man spank the woman with a ping-pong paddle, and then they switched and she spanked him. And he found himself excited enough by the movie to, well, you know....
This is amusing to me, as DH is constantly telling me that he only enjoys spanking because he is spanking me and he loves any contact at all that he can have with my backside. I think he still has some denial issues about the whole spanking and dominance thing and is uneasy with the thought that he really does enjoy controlling me and doing things to me that (obviously) cause pain. I can understand -- it took me a while to accept that I'm a submissive and a spanko, and I had several months head start. And it's certainly not considered PC or feminist-minded to want these things (although we do notice more and more references and comments about spanking and BDSM in mainstream shows, magazines, & books).
I know switching was Bonnie's MBS Brunch last week, that I just didn't get a chance to comment on, but I can state here that DH has stated in no uncertain terms that I will NEVER spank him, that he's the spanker, not the spankee and never will be. And that's fine with me. I do sometimes wonder what it might be like to be the top, but if it were ever to happen it would be more as a role-play than any sort of way of life. I know it works for some people, it's just not right for me and DH.
So, it's been weeks since the last spanking, and it doesn't like any this weekend, probably not til next weekend, but who knows, if I'm lucky DH may decide he just needs to ... Of course, I'll let you know.
Labels: France, spanking, switching
Posted by
8:56 PM
Wednesday, November 14, 2007
Meme: Me A to Z
Available or Single? Neither – monogamously married.
Best Friends? My hubby
Cake or Pie? Cake, usually
Drink of Choice? Non-alcoholic – water, followed closely by Dr. Pepper
Alcoholic – White Russian, Chocolate Martini, Mojito
Essential Item? Laptop, books, water
Favorite Color? Emerald green
Gummi Bears or Worms? Bears
Hometown? Somewhere in the U.S.
Indulgence? Books & high-quality European chocolates, staying up late & sleeping in
January or February? February, cuz spring is in sight
Kids & Names? I have 3, known to those who read my blogs as Oldest Child (OC), Middle Child (MC), & Youngest Child (YC)
Life is Incomplete Without? Special people to share it with
Marriage Date? 8 June 1993
Number of Siblings? 3 – 1 sister, 2 brothers – all younger
Oranges or Apples? Apples (but absolutely not Red Delicious – yuck, yuck, yuck)
Phobias/Fears? Falling, not heights (6” and shaky is just as bad as 60’ & shaky, but 600’ and secure/stable is no problem)
Favorite Quote? Writing & reading is to me synonymous with existing. – Gertrude Stein
Reasons to Smile? Beautiful weather, silly kids, good books, a lazy day, blissful sex
Tag 3 People? Nope, do it if you want to
Unknown Fact About Me? I was not born in the U.S.
Vegetable You Hate? Brussel sprouts
Worst Habit? Letting things pile up (drives my hubby crazy)
X-rays You’ve Had? Left hand, head
Your Favorite Foods? Chocolate, apples, peanut butter M&Ms, good steak
Zodiac? Sagittarius
Posted by
9:25 PM
Monday, November 5, 2007
Still Here ...
Just checking in. I will post something spanking related later this week, but in the meantime, if you want to read about my crazy last week, I've posted about it on my other blog Robin's Nesting Spot. I'm just too freaking tired to repeat it all here, especially since it's not even remotely spanking related (except for how it relates to not getting any spankings, or anything else
Labels: exhausted
Posted by
10:11 PM