Ok. So you can see I haven't been posting all that much lately (hah -- hardly at all).
But, thanks to Google I am able to keep up with all my favorite blogs. I can take a brief break while at work and read them in the Google Reader. Only problem is... I can't comment :(
OK, I probably could, but that would require actually going to the blog which then has a possibility of showing up in my computer history (I'm at work, remember). So... I don't risk it. I make notes of posts I want to go back to so I can comment, but by the time I leave work, go to the gym, make sure the kids are fed and then in bed, I'm too exhausted to get on line.
Point is, I am still here and avidly enjoying all of you out there who do manage to get regular posts and comments in. I'm feeling like a major lurker (bad, bad, bad) when that's really not what I like or want to be.
Very little beyond TV and sleep is happening in our bedroom lately. And the TV watching is pretty much controlled by DH. Damn sports. And the moment one sports season finally ends, another 1 (or 2) pops up to take it's place. 3 out of 4 of DH's preferred baseball teams are out, greatly reducing the number of games he may want to see, but I know we'll be watching 'til the end. And now football and basketball are starting up. DH isn't so much into football, but if the local team is playing, we're watching. And basketball? That's the very first sport he got hooked on -- LA Lakers. And he still watches that like crazy. Only good thing when he travels is that I finally get to watch what I want. :D
Speaking of DH and travels. He's home this week but leaves Sunday for Russia and then France. And just in time for his parents to arrive. I'm stressing already. They're nice people but there are some major cultural and language gaps. Hopefully relatives in the area will help keep them entertained while I'm working.
And work -- I have 10 unpaid furlough days I have to take between now and the end of the year. YEAH to no work, BOO to no pay and no decrease in workload, just fewer days to use it. And they're taking money from me every pay period whether I take days off or not. So 10 furlough days, 1 vacation day, 2 floater holidays, and 2 freebies to take in the next 3 months. My hope is that on some of these days off I can catch up not only with some household things I've been putting off, but also with the blogosphere (reading, writing, commenting, etc.). I plan to start by using one of my freebies tomorrow -- DH is taking the day off and the kids are in school; I'm really hoping for some quality time *wink, wink, grin*
Hmmmmm... can't think of anything else to jot down right now.... maybe later...
13 hours ago
Trust me, I soooo understand the sports-widow thing!! My partner is exactly the same way. Canuck (hockey) season has begun and now I can't make any plans without consulting the holy schedule. LOL
Take advantage of that precious free time, Robin. Believe me, nothing is worth more. Make sure you use it well to take care of yourself and DH. Don't fritter away a golden opportunity.
ummmm, what the hell...just because they're the HOH's do they ALL think they own the remote controls too?? No matter what room we're in theres some idiot throwing some ball around. As soon as one sport ends another one starts. It seems the only thing that diverts his attention is if I piss him off. grrrrrrrrrr.
cinful and Suzanne -- It's so sad... although I take comfort in the fact that I am obviously not the only woman in the world suffering :) We have a DVR that can record on one disc while you watch on the other (or record on both at the same time) and if our TV is occupied, DH takes over the TV in the family room, eliciting complaints from the kids. We all greatly dislike sports on TV...
I hope we get some couple time, but just because I have days off doesn't mean DH does, or that he's even in town. We did get a little time Wednesday morning to truly enjoy each other, before spending the rest of the day running errands. *sigh*
I have the same problem about commenting. I can read via the reader, except for blogs with pictures - but dare not actually go to the blog. But I'm watching you!
I get around not being able to read right away, by using my star and shared reading section. Then I can get back at my leisure.
As a blogger, its nice when I get a comment on a post even a week or two later, so I hope you don't feel that its not useful to speak up if you can't get there that day...
Thanks for the advice about using the star function. I have started to use it -- now I just need to make sure to go back and check all the starred items.
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